14 Ekim 2008 Salı


There are things and objects in our life that could not be given up when they become part of our life. Throughout the history, there have been many objects and things like that. At the prehistoric ages, that had been their hunting tool. At the medieval age, especially for men that was his horse or his domestic animal. At the modern age, those have been their automobiles. Since for now, automobiles are so important and impactful for us and our daily life in many aspects. These are cultural, economic, and environmental.

Firstly, as a cultural impact, automobiles came with new concepts and thoughts in our life. Especially, when the first automobile was introduced, it was working with steams like locomotives. It is not much more than bicycle at a first glance. Also, it had many problems and continued to have a problem after its invention. Then, automobiles with gas were introduced. With gas cars, many things changed. From day by day, they became more popular. Furthermore, with Henry Ford's assembly line, they were cheaper at that time when they compared with their ancestors. That affected the history of automobiles. The love affair between people and automobiles has begun like as it happened between men and their horse at the history. The new horse was our automobiles. After Henry Ford's contribution, in 50's, American's hit the road. There were new concepts like "American muscle" and automobiles have been the inevitable part of "American dream". After now, people have started to go to job, shopping, in short travelling to anywhere, with their cars. Indeed, with automobile history, we could see the impact over our culture and change in our lives is apparent.

Moreover, economic effect is inevitable too. First of all, Carrying objects with the automobiles come with problem how much we can carry. The solution was big automobiles called trucks and buses. That changed the mass transit, individual transit and trucks transportation resulting with economic issues. Now, people can go to their works using their cars and mass transit. That could change the city life. Discarding the traffic problem, it was a miracle for men or women both to work in a city and to live in rural area. But now, millions of people live like that in most of all of countries. Also, new industry called transportation industry was born. Adding that, there are now huge amount of earnings from mass transit, taxes, ticket collection. By using this money, government could spend on other issues in a country. As a conclusion, automobiles have another impact over economic events.

Finally, environmental impact is another big aspect of the subject. At first, no matter how automobiles are miracle for our lives, environmental pollution increase is the problematic part of them. Think about several millions of people are smoking in the area of sized city. That could be harmful for us as well as environment. Now think that, these smoking people are now automobiles. That is destructive for the nature, come up with diseases for living beings. Even in some areas, the number of cars is equal to the number of people. So, from now on non-polluting cars are popular and will be much more popular in the near future. For example, hybrid cars can be seen on streets as a price of middle class cars. These cars are the friend of nature, and some of them have zero carbon emission. There are also some alternatives such as cars with hydrogen fuel. Since combustible with carbon results with carbon dioxide, hydrogen cars give water to the nature. This is another miracle for the car history. As human beings try to find solutions to every problem, we will try to find forthcoming problems of automobiles as we have done in the past.

In conclusion, cars have several impacts on our lives. They have changed our lifestyle, living habits, city lives. They have also great effect on transportation and mass transit. Finally, they changed the way we think to our nature and environment. Indeed, we could not live without automobiles. They will change their technology and appearance but the way that we use in our lives may not change. And from generation to generation, we will have new habits and things as it was happened in the past.